Wednesday, July 7, 2010

accountability partners

*note*: i was gonna post or blog or whatever on the sad state of my body and the rude awakenings i've been experiencing, but it was just downright dreadfully depressing, so i'll prolly work on finishing it at some later time when i won't be so weak to run to a tub of ice cream to drown my sorrows in...

instead i'll just recount what i had today and see if i did anything to offset it!

the damage:
BREAKFAST - ox tail soup with a bowl of rice and pickled radishes (cals ~450 mama loves)+
SNACK - 2 clif bars and a bottle of naked juice green monster to wash it all down (cals = 330)+
LUNCH - a bowl of brown rice with 5 pieces of teeny korean pancakes and 3 carrot sticks (cals ~ oh i dunno, like 450?)+
SNACK - these 2 incredibly tasty green ricecakes with whole bunch of beans and peas and nuts in them and 2 bananas (cals ~ 300?)+
IT'S 7PM AND I'M STILL IN THE OFFICE WORKING AND I'M GOING CRAZY SNACK - 2 oh-so-crusty-from-the-morning krispy kreme donuts and an ice cold can of diet coke (cals = 400!)

TOTAL = ~1,930

4 mile promised run with brian after work

yes!!!!!!!! a smashing success!!!! our planned 4 miles turned into 6.82 miles!!!!!!!!!!!!!! in 1:03 no less!!!! that's like almost at a 9:30/mile pace!!!! OMG!!!!! i mean, granted towards the end, i could barely breathe, my vision was getting blurry, my jaw slack (mebe i was drooling on the side), my head lobbing side to side...BUT 6.82 miles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and according to brian's nike+ pedometer, it said we smashed 744 cals out of our fat arses!!!!!! woooot!!!!

DOH! moment:
to celebrate our incredible run, we promptly refueled our famished bellies with chipotle's burrito bowl. damage - 590 cals.

but, all in all, a great day. worked my arse off at work 8-7 and then ran my arse off on a BOOOOOTIFUL near 7 mile run.

and it's only the beginning! yeah!!!!! is that a cheer i hear? *high fives*

but going back to the title. running with brian today i realized once again how so so awesome an accountability partner is for any undertaking. if it were me just running by myself, i would've quit after a mile. i was tired. stressed. just wanted to go home. but having brian to run with kept me going. way past our intended 4 miles. and even when i couldn't feel my legs and lungs felt like they were collapsing on themselves, i enjoyed every stride of it. thanks brian!


  1. Daniel: u know
    i think i consumed like 4500 calories yesterday
    and i barely slept
    and didn't do any exercises

  2. what's up with "comida tipica"?

    paulio, just use yur true identity
