not like goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal when someone scores in a worldcup game, but a goal as is the 2nd definition according to merriam webster dictionary: "2 : the end toward which effort is directed "
the end toward which effort is directed. i like that. goal allows you to focus. and focus allows you to solidify the expenditure of your energy/time~efforts. anyways i decided i need to set some concrete goals for myself, instead of just going on day to day with no real specific reason to do what i do.
so for the purpose of this blog - which is to regain my fitness overall - i decided i'll come up with a few concrete measurable goals to conquer that will affect real changes in my life! and what better time to do this than at the beginning of a month.
so here are some of my goals:
1. get down to 165lbs. I weighed 185 at the start of this blog beginning of july (which is a 30lb gain over 2 years since 2008), and at the last measure, i'm down to 177-178!!! losing weight has an added, financial, bonus. no need to spend more $$$ buying new pants. (a sad news. i could no longer fit into my old 32 size pants. so i had to buy a round of 34 size pants...). ok, so just 13 more lbs to go!
*benefits: savings on shopping means more $ in my pocket, and that's the sound of chaching! you hear. plus, repair self-esteem. hahahahaha.
2. run a sub 7min mile. i ran a 5:35 mile once. back in '93. i was in 8th grade. and that was the peak of my running. ever since then it has been a steady decline. the last time i ran a sub 7 min mile was in ls. it was '04 and i ran it in 6:55. and i barely remember what came after when i finished running except for my eyes rolling backwards and me foaming at the mouth. now, i think the fastest i can run a mile is low 8's.
*benefits: can outrun girls who are angry at you.
3. touch the rim. i used to grab the rim. without a running start. that was back in college. the last time i touched the rim was, yes, once again, back in ls. now, i can only DREAM of touching the rim. i can still touch the backboard without running start. and maybe off about 2 inches from the rim.
*benefits: this really has no function, other than to impress guys who get impressed by stupid things like this
4. bench press 225: that's 2 plates on each side. back in college, during the heyday of my meathead phase, my friend sam and i benched 3 reps of 315 without spot. now, i can barely do 8 reps of 135 (that's just one plate on each side).
*benefits: no real benefits, except to tell the high school kiddies that i can bench press their scrawny arses
5. run a sub 2:00 half: the very first time i ran a substantial race - 2006 inaugural disneyland half - i ran it under 2 hrs. that also happened to be the only time i ran anything under 2 hrs. i've signed up for the upcoming Long Beach Half, in my pursuit for the California Dreamin' troika. it's coming up in october. that gives me 2 months to train for it. and believe me, i'll be training for this race. the last i ran a half - 2009 long beach half, i came in at 2:35. i may not run it under 2:00 for this race. but one day i will.
*benefits: nothing really. just a milestone to aim for, and a reason to keep a disciplined training schedule.
so those are some of the goals for now. i'll update on my progress in future posts.
before i finish, i'mma just post up some food i pigged out to over the weekend:
On Sunday we went to newport seafood in rowland for some family dinner before mom took off for korea.
Friday before that, i went to this new burger joint called kalbi burger on the outskirts of k-town.
your posts make me hungry!
ReplyDeletethey make me hungry too. hahahaha.